March 2021
Rhode Island Chapter
New England Mountain Bike Association
March 2021 Meeting Agenda
RINEMBA March Meeting: 7:00 p.m. March 3, 2021 by Zoom.
1. Thank you Jenna for the minutes, Shannon for cat herding.
a) Member #’s, account $, etc.
2. Welcome to any newcomers.
3. John Machata trail grant. In process. DEM working on a new standard bridge design and this
project will be first to use it.
4. NST maintenance: Alan still to repost to hopefully get better response.
a) Alan needs a waiver signed to participate
b) Background: NST reached out and would like help with routine maintenance. Alan offered
us to adopt most of Arcadia. We schedule events to maintain based on our
c) Dennis and his trail crew to coordinate waivers, timing, and plan to work on Arcadia
d) Chris F to post on website
5. New riding area development.
a) Discussion with Urban Dirt (primarily gravel riding). Alan to offer some RI options.
6. Woody Hill access
a) Glenn trying to get different access point, working with town.
7. 2021 event calendar. No change from last month: likely no events until late 2021 or 2022. TBD.
8. Tent - still looking. Plan for purchase mid-year.
9. Legal task force did not meet in Feb. Alan fail. Starting email chain to determine next steps.
10. Ideas for 75 problem?
a) Force limit with registration? (overflow would still appear to be the event; food truck bail)
b) 2 day event?
c) Beginner, intermediate, advanced start times?
d) Staggered start times.
e) Regulatory relief
1. Comments on survey indicate we are a problem. In response we will advocate to riders
to remember we are sharing the use of the trail. Does DEM have any advice on that
messaging and what they would like us to advocate for? How we could rectify their
2. Need to have conversation with DEM about perceived issues with Mtn bikers, come up
with ways to change our messaging to be part of the solution, not problem.
3. DEM working on overhaul of trail signage, especially in Arcadia
4. Meet with Kathy Sparks replacement, discuss DEMs concerns about behavior and what
we can do to remedy/improve. In conversation remind them we have limited ability to
gain support from wider community as it stands now. Can we do more cleanups?
11. DEM survey. Thanks to folks who posted.
a) Interesting that NEMBA was specifically named
b) Based on concern for funding, trying to identify who uses state lands.
c) Runs through April, might get results by the end of 2021.
d) Add another reminder to website/social media
12. Web Site Review.
a) Chris F asking for contributions/additional questions to add to FAQ section (when can you
run your dog? When do you wear orange? What are the riding hours? Official rule
information. How to follow a GPX track while riding? Basic technology tutorials)
b) Chris can provide quick tutorial on navigating if necessary
c) Update events page to include zoom link
d) Can include link to merchandise, if we get it made. Support
e) Can add more “friends” to the page. Maybe those with ‘business class’ memberships.
Include those organizations that we donate to. Add Westerly Land Trust and coffee shop.
13. Mission Statement - Chris Flanagan.
a) To be reviewed again in March – approved as is
14. Shirt et al order discussion - Chris Flanagan.
a) Shirts will be around $20 each (cost to make). Do not need to break a profit, aim to break
even. Eliminate shipping fee.
b) Colors look great!
c) Pre-sale until mid-March
d) Order shirts for Shops (have some shops agreeing to participate/sell), How many shirts to
e) Order shirts to have on-hand - 100
f) Dennis and Chris F will pack and ship (?)
g) Vests – still working on material, logo
15. Adventure ride series - Melissa/Tabitha.
a) Melissa Working on Routes, needs help (Alan has 2 sites to pin).
1. Needs help with Diamond Hill (Willem Cooper), Snake Den, Lincoln Woods (?), Ryan
Park (Chris F), Monastery Property
2. Not all loops do not need to be beginner friendly
b) Need help to contact shops and companies for Prizes?
1. RINEMBA willing to spend up to $100 at each bike shop, matching what a bike shop is
willing to donate
1. NBX (Melissa), Blackstone (Dennis), Stedmans (Patrick), Remy’s, Brumble
(Dennis), Mythic, Trek?(Reach out to Levi or Fred) – Dennis has running document
with who’s going where, and a script with specific questions
2. Hydration pack and gift card from REI
3. RINEMBA and NEMBA t-shirts
c) Prizes distributed via raffle for paying participants and increased number of tickets for loops
d) Chris' House, Do something special (raffle tickets?) (Eventgroove (best); Rallyup; Raffall;
Chance2Win) – special raffle tickets, all proceeds go to food bank.
e) Press release for approval
f) Timeline – May to June
g) REI offered to help promote
h) Tabitha's Design: T-shirts, stickers & water bottles?
16. “orange awareness” campaign.
a) Start with infographic on social media including links to places where you can buy, post
fliers at bike shops?
1. Infographic complete, ready for sharing next season
b) Buy vests in bulk with NEMBA funds, distribute for free with NEMBA logo?
c) DEM working on signage overhaul (also Arcadia).
17. Consider potential uses of funds from grant money, etc. Creative, new uses.
a) Wilderness first aid training
b) Chainsaw use
18. New Business from board?
a) Tiverton pump track – on hold until next year
b) Are we still eligible for the NEMBA grant?
c) Woody Hill Wahaneeta on DEM land (nice beginner loop), stream crossing with boulders,
can we get permission to add a bridge? Dennis to send information with location to Alan via
d) Trail Karma on trailforks – people can donate money to trail maintenance. Should we put
RINEMBA paypal account?
e) Chris F to advertise Big River cleanup on 4/24 website with save the date and time TBD.
19. Comments/requests/concerns/questions/complaints from newcomers?