February 2022
Rhode Island Chapter
New England Mountain Bike Association
February 2022 Meeting Agenda
RINEMBA February Meeting: 7:00 p.m. February 1, 2022 by Zoom.
a. Secretary? Position posted? Still needed. Repost this week.
b. Thank you Shannon & Dennis for cat herding
c. Member #’s, account $, etc.
d. Prez still wants financial summary-Shannon on Vacation
e. New NEMBA COI for state ASAP
f. Important Document store? No action yet. Dennis to check with Flannagan to see what, if anything, is established at this time.
g. March meeting: virtual, hybrid, in person, TBD? No location found yet. Morse is a no go anymore due to new management. March will be a virtual meeting. Potential for an outdoor meeting in April.
h. Board attendance - Are people engaged anymore? Take a screenshot of who is here.
Dennis Wilson
Marc Savage
Shannon Lonardo
Chris Hughes
Peter Gengler
Paul Kintz
Wayne Asselin
Alan Winsor
Cyndi Schwarz
Adam Brule
Keith Tremblay
Brett S
Bruce Rioux
Christopher D’Ovidio
Dave G
Leo Corrigan
Thank you to all who came.
2. Welcome to any newcomers.
3. Meeting etiquette.
a. Keep on topic
b. No sidebars
c. Give everyone a chance
d. Finish meetings in a reasonable time
e. Please
4. Browning Mill bridges Trail Day. Event approved for 2/5.
-This Event is still on even with the weather not being ideal. DEM will be hauling out most of the materials so we should not need to carry much and can get straight to work. Hopefully the ground will not be too frozen but can use garden flamethrowers to melt the ground if needed. 9AM start Parking on hatchery Road but can park at Browning Mill and hike over if needed. Gate will be open. Park to the side of the road. Ideally we only need 10 people. Priority event over Diamond Hill for board members wishing to attend. Need a few chainsaws, some power tools like drills and saws, and digging implements of destruction. Mostly need muscle. DEM holds the permit. We are acting as subcontractors. Dress warm and dry.
5. Diamond Hill trail cleanup. Event approved for 2/5.
Post ride is unlikely. -Still happening. Meeting 9am at DEM lot south of the ice cream shop. email for Patrick needs to be added to Social media post.
6. Chainsaw safety training. Event approved for 2/12 and 2/19. 8-4- at Arcadia headquarters.
a. Attending: Adam, Cyndi, Chris P, Joe D, Paul K, Dennis, Keith
b. $2000 check to be sent by Shannon upon her return.
c. Attendees pay Shannon... $125 if RINEMBA members.
d. STILL HAVE ONE OPEN SLOT - advertise on Blackstone and SEMASS NEMBA!!
7. Ryan Park. Nothing new.
8. Roger Williams Park. Scope narrowed. Will flag route for RWP review.
9. DEM happenings:
a. MOU request. In negotiations.
b. Trail re-route POC discussion... AMC. Nothing new.
c. Special license for >75. In negotiations. Positive movement. Will likely happen. Potential 5 year agreement. Feel like this will happen so special permit applications are not needed for 2022 fun rides. Lots of positive interactions with DEM.
Marc: DNA trail in Big river closed signage has faded/lost. Needs replacement. DEM may send more permanent signs. Alan to check.
10. Elections.
a. Review eligibility and process document -Alan sent document for chapter to review. Put Doc in an accessible place and comment about next month.
11. Woman's MTB clinic (Chris P). 3 days (Beginner clinic planned for 4/10, 4/17, 4/24) - Chris P not on call. Paul: No action needed atm
12. Skills clinic (Chris N) - Chris N not on call due to birthday
13. Ride area reps? (notes from Mark S)-
-people that have easy access to ride area make the best sense for reps
-might not need to cover every single riding area in the state.
-post to social looking for open spots. Social media post next week after trail days.
14. Westerly Land Trust MOU (Chris P/Paul K)- Paul to have more communications with WLT. Still in discussions then edit and review draft MOU. To be reviewed by RINEMBA possible review from a legal resource. Chris D’Ovideo willing to take a look from legal perspective.. Wayne to ask mothership if corporate approval is needed for this document.
15. Meeting Street Bike Club. TBD. Will find out soon and post.
16. Wilderness First Aid training. Roughly $250 each if 30. Interest? 2 day class 16 hour class over two days.
Denis to float to social for interest. Do we have internal experts that might know of a better fit? Is there a certificate program? Paul: Westerly Fire dept does stop the bleed clinics. Marc: What does AMC do? Doesn't seem to be much interest in this particular training at this time but a First aid training of some sort would be ideal. Possibly stop the bleed and first aid courses? Paul to look into Westerly Fire Dept. Alan to do some research for something more applicable.
Spaceblankets? Peter loves em. So does Adam Brule. Consider using them.
17. Volunteer hours to be tracked moving forward.
a. Date, person, hours, event, is it (DEM requested, for general user benefit, for NEMBA)
b. Event leader to collect.
18. Any news from corporate?
-NEMBA Volunteer Coordinator Emily Thibodeau (staff member) is working on a volunteer tracking system for all chapters to use
-Four full time staff members now
-Documents from Wayne available upon request.To be posed in an accessible area
-new NEMAB website in the works
-Looking to use universal branding potentially
19. New Business from board?
Dennis: Shimano Trail Maintenance days proposal from Jim G.
Shimano to hold a handful of trail days in RI and partner with RINEMBA. Well supported by the board. Vote: Approved. Dennis will reach out to Jim and set up program.
Dennis: Volunteer Trail worker prize “raffle”?
-location scatter throughout state
-Dennis to work up a rough draft of program present at next meeting.
20. Comments/requests/concerns/questions/complaints from newcomers?
Chris D’: - Greasy Joes property has sold and will become RV dealer. Chris D’ to monitor for loss of land for parking access. Would be easy to take by eminent domain. Peter- another possible parking location Further West on Division. Where old trailer was. Peter to call Cathy at Water resource to get feedback on the issue.
Chris D’-Trek Groomer- Should RINEMBA be working with Trek on this?
-have not been able to work with Trek on anything yet - should we try to heal any issue with Trek? No vote
-Can we help Trek get into BR? Alan: Possibly, not sure, but other items on the to do list for DEM at this time.
-Alan to reach out to Fred and invite to use on Alan’s property.
Meeting adjourned 9:15
For reference, 2022 event dates:
· Woody Hill 5/15 (pending approval)
· Arcadia 6/12 (pending approval)
· Diamond Hill 8/14 (pending approval)
· Big River 9/11 (pending approval)
· Lincoln Woods 11/13 (pending approval)
· Beginner rides 4/10, 4/17, 4/24 (pending approval)