January 2023
Rhode Island Chapter
New England Mountain Bike Association
January 2023 Meeting Agenda and Minutes
RINEMBA Meeting: 6:00 p.m. January 3, at Trek Warwick, and Zoom.
Items in strikethrough were not discussed.
1. Administration
a) Membership numbers? NEMBA corp on vacation, Dennis W. hasn’t heard back, to follow up next week
, account $, etc. Approx $3100 ($3500 )in account
Check to MA South Coast Chapter pending
Woody Hill funds spent – reimbursement ($1400) not submitted yet by Paul
Leo still owed for LWs fun ride
b) General meeting discussion
1. February (2/7) meeting? Date? Location?
NBX on Feb 7 at 6pm
Trek Warwick offered as well - some hesitance voiced about remaining brand neutral
Outdoor meetings at ride areas suggested; some concerns over wi-fi availability.
c) Board attendance.
Mark Savage
Dennis Wilson
Wayne Asselin
Shannon Lonardo
Peter Haney
Jason Shuford
Chris Hughes
Peter Gengler (online)
Charles Picard
Meg Marcille
Adam Brule (online)
d) Weetamoo xfer to MA on RINEMBA.ORG (here as reminder)
Tech difficulties – can't delete easily due to layout and format. Dennis W. to start looking into getting this sorted, person that did the original build no longer with the org.
e) Financial summary. Appendix A.
2. Welcome to any newcomers and general introductions
3. Comments/requests/concerns/questions/complaints from newcomers? None
4. Election results:
President Mark Savage
Communications Director Meg Marcille
Vice President Dennis Wilson
NEMBA BOD Wayne Asselin
Treasurer Shannon Lonardo
Alternate NEMBA BOD Adam Brule
Alternate Treasurer Peter Gengler
Secretary Charles Picard
Ride Area Representatives
Arcadia - Woody Hill Paul Kintz
Burlingame Keith Tremblay
Big River Alan Winsor
Ryan Park Emily
Lincoln Woods Jason Shuford
Carolina Jake M
Diamond Hill – Pat Sullivan
5. Earth Day Activities (Saturday 22-April)
a) Activities Site cleanups
b) Location(s) Big River has been the go to, but looking for new areas in addition
Need to sort out what to do with the trash we pick up.
Providence Adventure Park (PVD Parks Dept) Colin Aine 1PVD
River Point Park – used to be cyclocross loop (Town of West Warwick) Trek
Big River (DEM) Mark S.
Arcadia (DEM) Mark S.
c) Check list
6. DEM:
a) Waivers. Collect DEM-specific waivers; give to Mark.
b) Fun ride dates submitted to DEM (Alan) Old business
c) Night riding pilot.
No issues reported, attendance maybe shrinking with colder weather.
Need to cross post on social media (FB RI Mountain Biking, IG, Strava, and on RINEMBA website). Perhaps explore paid post amplification.
Revisit website-hosted calendar. Paired with monthly reminder to check the website. (Dennis Wilson)
Email blasts using NEMBA tools or Squarespace
Rob Campbell taking over for Woody Hill rides until Tabitha comes back
d) Special license for >75. Old business
1. Parking discussion (here as reminder)
e) Greasy Joe’s parking. No movement. DEM acknowledges issue. Water Resources Board not inclined to improve parking. S.P. barracks will not encroach on park and ride
f) Provisional acceptance of “Snow Grooming Pilot”.
Trek willing to handle whatever admin/bureaucratic hurdles needed to allow snowdog on DEM land (snowdogs can't be registered as a snowmobile)
1. Maps of BR and Arcadia given to DEM. In process at DEM.
g) Burlingame Bridges on Park side. Reminded DEM early November. No update.
h) Management Area Land Use Plan (name?). Soon but not imminent. DEM will maintain internal access roads. Will farm out trails to various user groups in sectors. RINEMBA to take Woody Hill, Big River (?), Carolina (?), Portion of Arcadia (?)
i) Chainsaw use. Allowed with proper insurance and approved cleanup effort. 1. “Proper insurance” being reviewed by DEM. NOT a done deal yet.
7. Chapter meet with Executive Director Nicole (Mark S)
a) Interest from team: Dennis, Wayne, Pete G, Alan (expiring) Adam Brule
Mark S. to coordinate with Matt
8. Trail School – TBD
a) 4 positions reserved for DEM
b) Useful to have political/economic implication session
Regional NEMBA interested in holding their annual trail school in RI.
Alan is holding on to this task – looking into securing a block of campsites in Burlingame. Location of trail school TBD, Arcadia or Woody Hill.
9. Volunteer Coercion (here as reminder) Leftover from previous meeting
1. Ideas, specifically and in general?
a) NEYC (Amy)
b) Sign-up during Fun Rides
c) Email blast prior
1. Monthly (?) Newsletter? (2023)
d) Gifts
e) CCC (Paul)
f) Chariho (Alan)
g) DEM contacts
h) AMC et al
i) Any other ideas?
10.Spend some money.
a) Recommendation see appendix B
11.Ride area reps
a) Updates from the riding areas
b) Trail clearing after recent storms 86+ trees cleared
RI Landscape Ass'n did some clearing in Arcadia, have assigned about 40 people to Big River.
Alan and Chris D. working on possible trail work in Big River to establish a pseudo-accessible (not truly ADA) trail section
Need to give DEM guidance on what else needs to be cleared after the most recent storm
12.Woody Hill (Chris and Paul)
a) Westerly Land Trust Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (Chris P/Paul K). – Any update and/or help required?
On hold indefinitely, on their end. Possible lack of trust – recommend reserving 2-3 slots for the trail building school as a relationship building exercise.
13.EMPTY Nip Bottle Collection by Friends of the Saugatucket.
a) Started 27-Dec, Runs for 90 days
b) Coordinated effort?
c) Drop off spots for collections local bike shops
a) Account / Hardware
Continue monthly account
Mark has a decent conference table mic that works well in a quiet space, may need something else for louder or more spread out venues.
15.Any news from corporate? (Wayne)
Leadership conference on the Cape in March
16.New Business from the board?
Peter G. moves to have a moment of silence for Philip Keyes, longtime director of NEMBA who contributed much to the mountain biking community.
Wilderness First Responder training – renewed interest.
Suggestion to have ride leaders carry basic first aid kits.
2023 event dates:
• Woody Hill: July 9, rain date July 16
• Diamond Hill: Aug 13, rain date Aug 20
• Big River: Sep 17, rain date Oct 8
• Lincoln Woods: Nov 12, rain date Nov 19