July 2023

Rhode Island Chapter

New England Mountain Bike Association

July 2023 Meeting Agenda and Minutes

RINEMBA Meeting: 6:300 p.m. July 11, Lincoln Woods.

  1. Roll Call

    1. Dennis

    2. Paul(online)

    3. Mook

    4. Kylee (guest from NH)

    5. Wayne

    6. Shannon

    7. Jason

  1. Welcome to any newcomers.

  2. Comments/requests/concerns/questions/complaints from newcomers?

  3. Administration

  1. Membership numbers: 274 current, 136 lapsed in last 24 months

Charles Picardto draft an “exit interview” style questionnaire and share with Tabitha

  1. Financial summary – June 2023

Opening balance: $2600

Income:   $??

Expenses:   ($??)

Closing balance: $2284 pending Woody Hill expenses

  1. Next meeting – August 1 at Trek Warwick 7pm Volunteer Raffle at 6. Need to confirm with Zac

  2. Venmo QR had issues at the Woody event. What can we do in the future? 

  1. Glocester Land Trust Meeting

    1. Revisit in the fall

  2. Diamond Hill trail maintenance day (Saturday June 24)

a) Rained out – but still got alot done with 1 volunteer 

b) Schedule another to coincide with Fun Ride. Patrick to pick dates

  1. Diamond Hill Fun Ride August 13th

  1. 200 participants

  2. Paperwork Submitted - Dennis Wilson will go before town hall on July 19th @7pm

  3. Anyone interested in helping coordinate? Charles Picard

  4. Who are our key volunteers? Patrick? 

Charles Picard 

Jason Shuford

 CCF Devo squad

  1. Start advertising this weekend @meg

  2. Reuse routes from last year with minor tweaks?

  3. Badge jerseys being developed now - Tabitha

  1. Diamond Hill Enduro Race 2024

  1. What is being asked from RINEMBA? Establish Scope -Charles

  2. Charles talked to Willem Cooper (CCF coach) and he’s willing to present to the group on scope 

  1. Diamond Hill Greenway Challenge

  1. Contacted by director Mike Tonroy

  2. Scope unclear - possibly wanted RINEMBA to host MTB component

  3. Patrick exchanged preliminary emails but not heard back since

  1. Elevate Women’s skills clinic (June 24/25)

    1. Feedback from participants (Shannon and Cyndi)

  2. Foster Land Trust bridge build July 22nd 8:30 am

    1. Matt Mlyniec will project manage

    2. Foster land trust has $500 to match our donation

      1. Dennis was told the town will pick up entire tab, he’ll confirm

    3. We need to provide manpower - need 5-6 people

    4. Advertise this week

  3. Woody Hill Fun Ride (July 9)

    1. Feedback from participants

      1. Kylee - green trail was very well marked and she loved the ‘extra credit’. Need more pickles and watermelon!!!

    2. Any lessons learnt? Many. Write them down while fresh in memory. 

      1. Marking - intersections could have been better

      2. Extra credit options were well received!

    3. Expenses need to be submitted ot Shannon

  4. NEMBA-Fest (Aug 4-6)

  1. Canceled due to low registration

  2. Everyone going to Flow State in VT. Bring the tent? 

  1. Arcadia Clean up Day July 16th

  1. less than 10ppl to trim overgrowth on Mt Tom trails. 

  2. Meet at Midway at 9am

  3. Advertise this week

  1. NEMBA hits 10000 members!

  1. new benefit $10 off tickets to Loon Mtn

  1. Tool Trailer

  1. rough budget of 8000, includes cost of trailer, insurance and registration, and build out

  2. great for events as well as trail days

  3. Good for storage of gear

  4. “Free” advertising

  5. Recommend 3500lb cap 

  1. Regularly Scheduled Group Rides

    1. Daylight savings ends November 5

    2. Diamond Hill - non permitted daylight rides until interest generated -leaders needed

    3. Lincoln Woods - non permitted daylight rides until interest generated - leaders needed

    4. Woody Hill - Mellow Monday and low gear ladies, Remy’s Wednesday nights at 5:30 - Remy’s kids ride? Do we want to support this somehow? What is the legal? 

    5. Ryan Park – needs a mellow ride

    6. Arcadia – Tuesday, resume in Aug

    7. Big River - Someone clue me in on what happens there

      1. Thursday nights

    8. Group sizes 10 or more need to split into groups less than 10

    9. Looking for more ride leaders

  2. Trailforks

    1. Identify adaptive trails in RI on Trail Forks - none submitted- please help!

    2. Looking for a new Trailforks Champion

      1. Charles open to doing this Oct-March

  3. DEM

    1. Night riding agreement ended April 30

    2. Waivers on their way to DEM via Alan – Done yet?

    3. DEM planning to do one more night riding pilot 2023/2024 and then approach changing their regulations to make it permanent

    4. Management planning project underway in Big River

      1. Consultants presented project update to Water Resource Board in April

      2. Direct outreach to NEMBA at some point from WRB as well from the consultants

      3. There will be a couple of public outreach events – DEM will notify NEMBA

    5. Guidance for summer riding groups

      1. DEM is working to change the group size for permits to 25

      2. We can post provided we say groups of 10 or larger will be split into smaller groups

  4. Greasy Joes for sale

    1. no updates

  5. 2023 RINEMBA Chapter shirts

    1. Available on-line

    2. Need to order more already! 

    3. NBX to stock 

  6. Ride area reps

    1. Updates from the riding areas

  7. Woody Hill

    1. WLT MOU (Chris P/Paul K) – indefinite hold

    2. Any update and/or help required?

  8. Any news from corporate? (Wayne)

    1. Add signatories to all chapter bank accou nts

    2. Strategic plan – open for comments

      1. Board reconfiguration in process

  9. New Business from the board?

Appendix A – Finances  Needs numbers from Shannon

Opening balance:



NEMBA grant



Trail School BBQ 


Squarespace - shipping




Closing balance:


Projected expenses: $500 – Foster land trust bridge

Appendix B – Event Dates

2023 event dates:

  • Diamond Hill: Aug 13, rain date Aug 20

  • Big River: Sep 17, rain date Oct 8

  • Lincoln Woods: Nov 12, rain date Nov 19


August 2023


June 2023