October 2022
Rhode Island Chapter
New England Mountain Bike Association
October 2022 Meeting Minutes
RINEMBA Meeting: 7:00 p.m. October 4, at Black Oak, Coventry, and Zoom.
1. Administration
a) Member # unknown, account $4400
1. Comment from previous meetings about no bike shop members. Discuss (for last time). – No new news. Shops are just busy.
b) General meeting discussion
1. Board votes to go hybrid going forward for all meetings.
2. November (11/1) meeting location? ____________________ hard to find locations in the north. Move to 6PM? Dennis to reach to Guild Pawtucket. Do they have food? Nov 1st Tuesday 6PM. Yes Guild has some food options.
c) Board attendance. Glenn, Cindy, Wayne, Alan, Peter G, Peter H, Meg M, Amy M, Jake B, Dennis, Tabitha
d) Weetamoo xfer to MA on RINEMBA.ORG (here as reminder).
e) New bank account. Shannon and Pete G account managers. Over $3000 requires 2 signatures.
f) Member polling on
▪ Spending
▪ Plans
▪ Feedback
▪ Suggested as a 2023 kick off project. Deferring to Mark for follow up.
Alan’s view:
• 2023 Kick-off (Mark)
g) Continue use of event registration for Fun Rides?
1. $1ish each
2. Delay of funds - We may need a bigger cushion
Wayne and Chris for vote yes. Room votes yes (informal).
What to do in case of rain date? Can we request rain date? Possibly. Alan to look into.
h) Financial summary – to be included in the October meeting minutes
2. Welcome to any newcomers.
3. Comments/requests/concerns/questions/complaints from newcomers?
4. Elections:
a) Guidance in “Appendix A”.
1. Nutshell: open season in October, contested positions discussed November meeting, vote December.
2. Nutshell 2: Secretary to review eligibility. Meh.
3. Soapbox: Alan hopes formality is reduced in future.
b) Publish announcement and candidate solicitation.
1. Stress RINEMBA accomplishments, responsibilities, etc.
2. Candidate names due by end of day October 23. Can include brief sales pitch.
3. Push invitation several times until then.
c) For those in attendance, interest in:
1. President – Filled Mark
2. Vice President – Available - Dennis to run
3. Secretary – Available – Dennis to vacate
4. Treasurer – Filled Shannon
5. Alternate Treasurer- Peter Filled
6. Communications Director – Meg Filled
7. NEMBA BOD – Wayne
8. NEMBA Alternate BOD – Adam to run, is Chris N still available to hold position?
9. Ride Area Rep (Arcadia- available; Burlingame-Keith?, Ryan- Emily ; Ryan - Emily; Carolina; WH – Paul to fill; BR; LW- Jay S, DH- available; ??)
10. At large board members
5. Chapter meet with ED Nicole (Mark S)
a) Any interest from team? Dennis, Wayne, and Peter G interested in meeting her.
6. Browning Mill bridges.
a) Minimal participation 9/24-25 weekend. – Very low participants, can we build a bridge with NEYC (New England Youth Cycling) racing teams? Amy to help with that. Talk to kids and schedule. 10 workers ideal.
b) Date for finish tasks: _______________
c) Date for Bridge #1 extensions: ____________Will need to be all day and about 5. bodies. Need more time to plan. Schedule for 11/20
d) Need more participation.
1. Ideas, specifically and in general?
Sign up sheet at events? With emails to be contacted before an event.
Possible volunteer raffle program?
Chariho tech building projects?
Paul possible take it up with WLT to get CCC labor, (Civilian Conservation Corps).
Cindy to work with Boy Scouts
Create volunteer shirts. Tab and Amy to handle design.
7. DEM:
a) Night riding pilot. -Ride leaders needed
1. Expand to 3x/week, 20 riders
2. Mon: WH; Thu: BR; Tue: alternate Arcadia/Carolina
3. Not Snake Den – Dem transitioning to Forestry
4. In DEM Legal.
b) Special license for >75.
1. Parking discussion (here as reminder)
c) Greasy Joe’s parking. No movement. DEM acknowledges issue. WRB not inclined to improve parking. S.P. barracks will not encroach on P&R.
d) Provisional acceptance of “Snow Grooming Pilot”.
1. Maps of BR and Arcadia given to DEM. In process in DEM.
e) NST cleanaganza? DEM discussing internally. Removing from agenda. 2023 effort?
f) Burlingame Bridges on Park side. DEM discussing internally. No update.
g) Management Area Land Use Plan (name?). Soon but not imminent. DEM will maintain internal access roads. Will farm out trails to various user groups in sectors. RINEMBA to take Woody Hill, Big River (?), Carolina (?), Portion of Arcadia (?)
h) Chainsaw use. Allowed with proper insurance and approved cleanup effort.
1. “Proper insurance” being reviewed by DEM. NOT a done deal yet.
i) Relief from limit of 10 for Special Use Permit: not at this time because of potential impacts across all users.
j) Possibility of blackout dates (e.g. opening days of hunting season; holidays) for SUP being considered.
8. 2023 Fun Ride schedule. Need dates (and proceeds target) (Mark S)
a) Woody Hill (Spring) 200 max participants (parking for 130)
b) Arcadia (Spring) 100 max -Cut ?
c) Diamond Hill (Summer) 150
d) Big River (Fall) 200 (parking for ~150)
e) Snake Den (Fall) 40 – Cut for 2023
f) Lincoln Woods (Winter) 200
Ideas for 2023. Possible to do take a kid MTB day? Oct 1st
Badgers or Big Ringers to help with arrows down or pre ride?
Beat chapter to the calendar,
identify NEMBA events
Proposal: to cut at least one Fun ride from the schedule. Alan pushes for 5 rides same as 2022. No vote.
9. Sweet Sawmill Pond and Trout Unlimited partnership. Help deconstruct dam, and plant trees; 2023 or 2024. Removing from agenda.
10. 1PVD Cycling in Merino Park. (Dennis) – 1PVD building a skills course. 1PVD will reach out when work resumes. Removing from agenda? – Remove from Nov agenda
11. Women’s/Coed Advanced Skills clinic (Chris N) Removing from Nov agenda.
12. Ride area reps? (Mark S)
a) 2023 Earth Day – possible to do one in LW next year?
b) New land trust area in Cumberland.
1. Liaison needed.
2. Westerly land trust references.
c) Emergency access for main riding areas.
1. Alan met with WGFD. DEM mentioned signage in northern RI.
2. Conversation to continue next month. Still.
d) Ryan Park. Still waiting for DEM to approve plans.
e) Roger Williams Park. Still waiting on Alan to flag.
13. Big River Cleanup
a) Checklist- Alan to formalize. Still
14. Big River Fun Ride
a) Numbers? 125 unofficially
b) Did we get money from Regional? Not yet.
c) Comments? Lessons learned? Food truck?
15. Lincoln Woods Fun Ride 11/13
a) Have not spoken to Park Manager yet - Leo
b) Have route but have not submitted to DEM yet- Perimeter loops with loops inside
c) Alan has arrowing supplies, tent. Needs cash box etc.
d) Volunteers:
1. Arrows up
2. Registration
3. Pre-ride
4. Arrows down
5. Food (only activity that really needs to be arranged prior to next meeting) – Dennis to reach out to food trucks ASAP.
e) Cleanup activities. -Special license allows some clean up but Anthony Paiva needs to be talked to first?
16. Woody Hill
a) WLT MOU (Chris P/Paul K). – Any update and/or help required? – no help needed.
b) Woody Hill Signage design, plan, and budget- designs being finalized.
17. Any news from corporate? (Wayne/Chris N)- Radio Silence , 35 anniversary party at Highland.
18. New Business from board?
For reference, 2022 event dates:
• Lincoln Woods 11/13 (“ “approved” “)
Election Guidance
All Officers and board members are expected to adhere to NEMBA philosophies:
NEMBA's mission is to promote responsible mountain biking and to protect and preserve New England trails and open spaces.
In administering its affairs, NEMBA shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, creed, color, national and ethnic origin, gender, sexual preference, marital status, age, or physical disability.
Further, to convey a positive, repectful, courteous image of mountain biking and mountain bikers.
At-large board member.
Must be RINEMBA member for 1 year.
Can assume at will with board concurrence.
Must attend 6 meetings per year to keep position.
Can vote for Officers.
Must attend 2 meetings in last half of year to vote.
Ride area representatives.
Must be RINEMBA member for 1 year.
Chosen by board.
Must remain active in ride area to keep position.
Must attend 4 meetings per year to keep position.
Can vote for Officers.
Must attend 2 meetings in last half of year to vote.
May also be Officer.
Must be RINEMBA member for 2 years.
VP assumption assumed; otherwise must be an at-large board member, ride area representative, BOD, or other Officer.
Elected by board members (eligible at-large and ride area reps, Officers, BOD).
Is expected, but not required, to serve at least 2, and not more than 3, years; board can override.
Conduct election of Secretary.
Must be RINEMBA member for 2 years.
Must be an at-large board member, ride area representative, BOD, or other Officer.
Elected by board members.
Is expected, but not required, to take President position when President's term ends.
Treasurer and alternate.
Must be RINEMBA member.
Elected by board members.
Must not be President.
Must be RINEMBA member.
Elected by board members.
Determine eligibility of Officer and board members.
Conduct election of other Officers and BOD.
NEMBA BOD Representative
Must be RINEMBA member.
Elected by board members.
Is also considered an at-large board member for voting.
May also be Officer.
NEMBA BOD Alternate
Must be RINEMBA member.
Elected by board members.
Is expected, but not required, to take Primary BOD position when Primary's term ends.
Is also considered an at-large board member for voting.
May also be Officer.
Can attend meetings and comment, suggest, complain.
Can recommend approval/rejection of Officers and board members; such recommendation shall be considered but is non-binding.
Can make recommendation privately to any board member if desired.
Candidates for Officer nominated by end of October meeting. Can self-nominate.
Debate and Q&A during November meeting.
Election during December meeting.
President conduct election for Secretary.
Secretary (current) conduct election for other Officers.
Can be secret ballot, if requested by any Officer or the candidate(s).
Special elections as required; 2 month process; vote immediately follows Q&A session.
All other terms except for special election begin on Jan 1.
RINEMBA Treasurer Report Sept 22
Beginning Balance Per bank 5155.71
Date Description Amount
Deposits 8/31 Woody Hill online Registration 1662.54
9/1 Stripe T-shirt sales 1724.28
09/06 Chapter Rebates 2612
9/29 NEMBA 109.11
Total Deposits 6107.93
5/2 Alan Windsor Arrows 438
7/29 CUmberland parks Dept Diamond Hill Donation 1200
8/30 Dennis WIlson Woody Hill expenses and shirts Voided
8/31 Dennis Wilson Volunteer Vests 412.5
9/7 Dennis WIlson Replacement Check 1892.64
9/7 Paul Kintz Woody Hill Signage 162.75
9/12 NEMBA Memberships from Fun Ride 175
9/16 Lifespan Cancer Institute BR Donation to Tour De Rhody 2500
Total Withdrawals: 6780.89
Ending Balance as of 9/30/22 4482.75
Costs breakdown
Chapter Supplies/Cost of Business including trail projects 2905.89
Charity/Causes 3700
Membership dues owed to NEMBA 175