December 2021

December 2021 Meeting Agenda

RINEMBA December Meeting: 7:00 p.m. December 7, 2021 at Morse Tavern + Zoom.

  1. Thank you Jenna for the minutes, Shannon for cat herding.

    1. Member #’s, account $, etc.

    2. $1,200 balance (following tent purchase, excluding donation funds from Arcadia Fun Ride)

    3. Trail builders were reimbursed

  2. Welcome to any newcomers.

  3. Big River water study funded by Trout Unlimited with probable new general Land Use Plan.

    1. Looking at improving water quality, asked for help on trails & water crossings. Some possibility of helping build bridges/make improvements

  4. Indoor “Holiday” party not at this time. Possible outdoor when weather improves.

  5. Tent. Arrived. – Alan has it

  6. Browning Mill bridges. DEM still waiting for materials – on order. Will attempt boardwalk installation late January or February (ground conditions permitting).

  7. Ryan Park. Nothing new.

  8. Roger Williams Park. Nothing new. 

  9. Arcadia Fun ride.

    1. Still determining where donation ultimately going. Shannon to continue to earmark

  10. DEM:

    1. MOU request pending, no new information

    2. Trail re-route POC discussion (eastern end of Mt Tom Trail), AMC would like more details on plans

    3. Alan meeting November. Positive progress for relaxed rules for Fun Rides.

      1. Currently have 75 person limit (including volunteers), also cannot be any monetary transactions (charity funds, food trucks, etc.)

      2. DEM receptive, and continue to be open to discussion on solution

  11. Chainsaw training (Game of Logging) (basic). $300 pp. (NEMBA grant?)

    1. Can use DEM property (Alan spoke to DEM)

    2. Up to 8 people, lower limit 4-5 ~$2,000

    3. Make a submission for grant ($500 trail grant), NEMBA contribute $1,000

    4. With the MOU, as long as NEMBA has insurance this training is currently accepted

    5. Present the opportunity to anyone to apply, if we get too many will try to filter down the list based on most likely users

    6. Look into other potential grants as well

  12. Lincoln Woods Ride 2022.

    1. Leo pursuing this next year, food drive event 2nd weekend in November from main beach parking area, plenty of parking. Already have porta johns in place.

    2. Applying for permit in Jan/early 2022

  13. Elections.

    1. History of past elections, discussion of notable campaigns, and current election law.

    2. In January or February 2022 we will:

      1. Formalize rules for future elections (voting eligibility and method, candidate requirements)

        1. Voting will be for in-person NEMBA members

      2. Formalize rules for keeping elected individuals

      3. Possibly convert “at-large” board members to:

        1. Riding area VP (fun ride planning, maintenance coordinator, land manager liaison except probably DEM); or

        2. Functional VP (e.g. kids, women, beginners, etc); or

        3. Leave at-large.

    3. Any general questions about this election?

    4. Secretary position (meeting minutes, inventory document management)

      1. Thank you Jenna!

      2. If no Secretary, duties rotate among board members.

        1. Post opening on RI NEMBA facebook to see if there are any takers

      3. Any takers for position – no immediate takers

    5. Primary corporate representative.

      1. Thank you Chris!

      2. Wayne moving into primary position

    6. Alternate corporate representative.

      1. Any takers for position – Chris Nichols

    7. President.

      1. Alan (Cheshire cat candidate), with aim to seamlessly introduce and transition role to VP

    8. Vice President.

      1. Candidates include Mark Savage and Dennis Wilson

      2. Expectation is that VP would take on more presidential role toward mid-year as part of transition

      3. Vote was cast by ballot, Mark Savage the winner

    9. Treasurer.

      1. Shannon.

      2. Now includes keeping track of 7 years of records

    10. Communications Director

      1. Thank you Chris Flanagan!

      2. Our involvement on RI Mountain Biking should remain limited, unless something highly offensive

      3. Should we keep position - Yes

      4. If so, any takers – Linda Brocato

    11. At-large board members.

      1. Paul Kintz

      2. Chris Perez

      3. Chris Nichols

      4. Adam Brule

      5. Cyndi Schwarz

      6. Peter Hannen

      7. Peter Gangler

      8. Chris Hughes

      9. Wayne Asselin

      10. Dennis Wilson

    12. Obligations, come as much as you can, contribute

  14. Deepest sympathies to all new officers.

  15. Any news from corporate?      

  16. New Business from board?

  17. Comments/requests/concerns/questions/complaints from newcomers?

    1. Builders ball - 101 people showed up at Grey Sail afterward they were very grateful 

    2. Hope Barrett – Instructor at Rondeau’s kick boxing, this Sunday 10:00am, $10 per person giving a self-defense class for men and women, all encouraged to attend. Max of 20 members, but will put on another class.

      1. Motion for NEMBA to fund NEMBA members to attend

      2. Linda to post/promote to social media

      3. Attendees to announce that they are NEMBA members

For reference, 2022 event dates:

  • Woody Hill 5/15 (pending approval)

  • Arcadia 6/12 (pending approval)

  • Diamond Hill 8/14 (pending approval)

  • Big River 9/11 (pending approval)

  • Lincoln Woods TBD (pending approval)

  • Beginner rides 4/10, 4/17, 4/24 (pending approval)


January 2022

