
RINEMBA November Meeting: 7:00 p.m. November 2, 2021 Morse’s Tavern.

  1. Thank you Jenna for the minutes, Shannon for cat herding.

    1. Member #’s, account $, etc.

  2. Welcome to any newcomers

  3. Tent – purchased, likely won’t be here by the Woody Hill event

  4. Browning Mill Bridge Project DEM Still waiting for materials

  5. Ryan Park, nothing new

  6. Roger Williams Park, nothing new

  7. Arcadia Fun Ride

    1. Donation going/went to…? Working on logistics 

  8. DEM

    1. DNA Closure – reclosed small section

    2. Graffiti Scrub – good press at Big River

    3. Arcadia Trail Day – successful event, quite a few volunteers

    4. MOU request – began process within DEM to gain permission to maintain trails officially, locations TBD, early in the process

      1. What maintenance would we be allowed to do?

      2. Would be under NEMBA’s insurance

    5. Trail re-route proof of concept discussion – small section of problem trail so we can demonstrate sustainability. 

      1. Would like to submit formal request to do this through DEM, with input/buy-in from AMC

      2. Mt Tom East trail area, particularly sandy

      3. Could also tie in with trail school, as to why we are qualified

    6. Alan meeting this week with DEM

      1. Discussion on how to get special license to serve food & sell tickets at fun rides

      2. Possibly discussing 75 rider limit, night riding??

  9. NEMBA Admin

    1. Defer election of RI leadership until December

    2. Positions (suggest: President, President-elect (VP), Secretary, Treasurer, Communications, Board of Directors NEMBA). Nominees?

      1. Suggested that President starts mid-year to transition VP to President role, introducing them to DEM, etc. 

    3. New Finance rule: 7-year retention of receipts, etc. 

      1. Recommend that receipts get shipped to NEMBA quarterly/yearly, or least burdensome approach 

    4. Asset inventory

      1. Need to improve method for documenting where equipment ‘lives’

      2. Easiest if you have a central storage location/trailer – Alan willing to provide central location. Managing the inventory to be led by someone else. 

      3. Dennis to start working on finding/documenting/collecting inventory and determining storage location, and speaking with other chapters about what they do and how

  10. Proposed 2022 Dates

    1. Woody Hill 5/15

    2. Arcadia 6/12

    3. Big River 9/11

    4. Beginner Rides, 4/23, 4/30, 5/7 – same group with skills progression leading up to fun ride 5/15 at Woody Hill

    5. Diamond Hill, advanced fun ride – 8/14

  11. Woody Hill 11/21 Fun Ride….call for help? Ride not starting until 10AM (hunting season)

    1. Pre-riders – 13 & 22 miles (Glenn?, Joe?, Paul?) – post online, need 1 more

    2. Registration (1)

    3. Water Stop (1 needed, Paul will be there). Shannon offered to purchase and set-up,

    4. Arrows down Monday (Chris P, Linda B.) – Chris P to coordinate arrows down – DEM arrows highest priority

    5. Grey Sail – Pizza oven at Grey Sail is 1 pie at a time, Glenn to use donated money to buy food platters

    6. Eliminating brewery-only option (because no sign-ups so far)

    7. Future: combine holiday party with thank-the-gnomes

  12. Dead of the winter party 2022 (Jan/Feb?)?

    1. People would pay to go 

    2. Plan to do so, Woods Tavern? Twisted? – Alan to plan

  13. Increasing women riders discussion

    1. Mellow Monday rides started this summer. Goal to get women of all abilities out riding

    2. Intro to bike maintenance with bike shops 

    3. How can NEMBA help?

      1. Women’s clinic (coaching and bike maintenance/mechanical)

      2. Submit permit request for Mellow Monday women’s rides?

      3. Add a board member representing women’s ridership initiative

    4. Increasing ridership for minority groups

      1. Bike-on build bikes for adaptive riders out of Warwick

      2. Linda reaching out to Green School about bike accessibility/affordability

      3. YMCA? Programs in underprivileged communities

      4. Red Shed in Providence

      5. RI Foundation 

  14. Next meeting hybrid with Zoom? 

    1. Need a speaker/hardware issue 

    2. Laptop and external speaker/microphone

    3. Could also be a live stream and allow comments

    4. Marc has some equipment that we could try, soft trial next month to see how it works

  15. Any news from corporate?

    1. Personnel changes (Christy, replacement coming on board (Emily). Membership and outreach director newly hired as well. Adding staff to produce more value for the chapters.

    2. 2022 NEMBA Fest planning to return

  16. New Busines from board?

  17. Comments/requests/concerns/questions/complaints from newcomers?

    1. Mountain munchkins – would like to ramp up in the spring. Marc working on updating the guidance document


December 2021

