August 2022

August 2022 Meeting Minutes


RINEMBA Meeting: 7:00 p.m. August 2, at Remy’s, Westerly, and Zoom. Late start due to Wifi issues


To speed up this summer meeting with many members on vacation only important items in bold are covered. We will revisit remaining items next month. Notes are in italic.


1.     Administration

a)    Member #: 229 current members up from 209 in May

account $: Shannon Not Present

1.     Comment from previous meeting about no bike shop members. Discuss:  – RINEMBA has no business memberships currently. Why? Discussion: Shops may be concerned that they may not be getting their money worth from NEMBA? Night riding has been a concern with at least one owner. Linda to reach out to NBX to get their point of view. We could use more social media posts regarding what we do and how it benefits local businesses. People are just super busy and forget to renew? Do we post a reminder on social media?

-aside form Chris P: Night riding seen as a reduction of available time to be out there at night. Alan- We are still pushing forward for legal night riding in all areas. Long term plan is hard at first.

-aside from Linda. What is the average member getting for their money?


b)    Funds from the Diamond Hill Fun Ride still need to be donated to Town Of Cumberland Youth Camp. True? Is there a hang-up? – Shannon to handle, not in attendance

c)     Document storeIs it truly available? – yes may be a problem with permissions for Alan to view. Denis to work with Alan on it. Liz and Emily from Regional will be able to assit as well.

d)    General meeting discussion

1.     Board votes to go hybrid going forward for all meetings.

2.     September (9/6) (Labor Day 9/5; BR Fun Ride 9/11; meet 8/30?) meeting location? -Sept meeting will be on Aug 30th at Black Oak

e)     Leadership FB chatter about policy. See appendix B. Items of note:

1.     Alan’s guiding principles; unlikely to change for remainder of 2022. Can be changed in 2023.  – The Appendices are a stream of conscious from Alan on how the organization should work.

2.     President can make purchase decisions; reviewed by Treasurer; President must not have direct access to funds.

a)    Who will be alternate treasurer? – has not happened yet, marc to handle. Do we need, since NEMBA has(?) access? – Do we want NEMBA as the alternative treasurer. Change mailing address to NEMBA? – No decisions or discussion made here. Continue to next meeting

Alan has right to determine anything he deems appropriate financially. To be reviewed by treasurer. Dennis + Paul: Motion to contest. Overruled by Alan and Glenn. No further discussion permitted.


f)     For completeness, Appendix C is elections.

2.     Welcome to any newcomers. -Emily from Ryan Park is the new ride area rep. Not on Facebook or Instagram. Will need to determine best way to communicate with her. Email?

3.     Comments/requests/concerns/questions/complaints from newcomers?  

4.     Browning Mill bridges. Lumber mostly cut. Still need to schedule a work date __________.

5.     Ryan Park. Still waiting for DEM to approve plans.

6.     Roger Williams Park. Still waiting on President to flag.


7.     DEM:

a)     NEMBA incorporated in RI; refresh each year; Wayne to manage; Alan to provide renewal date and packet.

b)    Night riding pilot.

1.     Expand to 3x/week, 20 riders, still “pilot”

2.     Have requested Mon: WH; Thu: BR; Tue: float. No response yet from DEM.

c)     Special license for >75. Approved 7/19.

1.     Did we put announcement on FB? – No. Linda no longer has time for the Communication Director Position and is stepping down effective Aug 2nd 2022. Dennis to post as soon as possible. We need to find a new communications director.

Discussion: the main factor limiting attendance is parking space. Places like Arcadia can barely handle 75 ppl. Aside from Emily: Should we charge per car to encourage carpooling and create more space? Dennis+Alan- an idea worth looking into for next event. Too late for Woody Hill.  Possible issues with waivers/

Possible parking attendant? -Dennis to handle parking at Woody Hill.

2.     Summary in Appendix A.

3.     Has Lincoln Woods park manager been notified? Jason to work on this? Leo?

a)    Also mention Earth Day – to grease wheels – neither Jason nor Leo on meeting.

4.     Invitation-only (e.g. Red Shed) for Snake Den in 2022?

a)    If so, org: ____________________ date: __________________ - not much interest at this time, possibly too difficult for the average rider. So many events already in 2022, might want to give volunteers a break.

d)    Greasy Joe’s parking. No movement. DEM acknowledges issue. WRB not inclined to improve parking. S.P. barracks will not encroach on P&R.

e)     Provisional acceptance of “Snow Grooming Pilot”.

1.     Maps of BR and Arcadia given to DEM. No response yet.

f)     NST cleanaganza? DEM discussing internally. No update.

g)    Burlingame Bridges on Park side. DEM discussing internally. No update.

h)    Management Area Land Use Plan (name?). Soon but not imminent. DEM will maintain internal access roads. Will farm out trails to various user groups in sectors. RINEMBA to take ______________, ____________, ______________, ______________. -No suggestions mentioned in this meeting. Continue to next meeting.

i)      TAC meeting (Dennis). – Dennis notes – Dennis attended the DEM Trails Advisory Committee on July 26th. Representatives from all user groups in RI except Rhody Rovers. Dennis asked Rovers to be included which was voted upon and approved. 2019 Federal funding projects have stalled due to the pandemic and several members of the committee retiring. Funds are due to expire shortly. Committee voted to transfer all 2019 project funds directly to RIDOT for bike path repairs/reconstruction. 2020/21 Funding will be transferred to the 2019 projects. New rounds of federal funding expected in 2023. We should have a project ready in mind by then if we plan on using. $10K or more is ideal. Committee approved giving Jeff Arnold $30K to use at his discretion for management area projects (bridge repairs ect). Committee to meet again in the fall.

8.     Sweet Sawmill Pond and Trout Unlimited partnership. Help deconstruct dam, and plant trees; 2023 or 2024.

9.     1PVD Cycling in Merino Park. (Dennis) – 1PVD building a skills course. 1PVD will reach out when work resumes.

10.  Women’s/Coed Advanced Skills clinic (Chris N) – Chris N not in attendance to discuss

a)    Date, location, audience, etc

b)    Help needed

11.  Ride area reps? (Mark S)

a)     Introductions to Land Managers?

b)    _____________________________________ - Trail conditions? Woody Hill and Carolina Clean. Arcadia very overgrown. No other news –Alan – ok to use TF for trail reporting. Cannot officially coordinate a trail crew on DEM land yet.


1.     Emily Guzas has been introduced to Ryan Park Land Manager.

c)     2023 Earth Day – possible to do one in LW next year? -Jay nor Leo in attendance

d)    New land trust area in Cumberland.

1.     Liaison needed. – Chris N found liaison(s) but they have not yet been introduced to the board. Hopefully in Sept meeting

2.     Westerly land trust references.

e)     Emergency access for main riding areas.

1.     Alan met with WGFD. DEM mentioned signage in northern RI.

2.     Conversation to continue next month. Still.

12.  Big River Cleanup

a)     Checklist- Alan to formalize. Still

13.  Woody Hill Fun Ride 8/14 (Alan AWOL)

a)     Under Special License

b)    Permission from town approved

c)     What help needed? – Paul: Mostly all set. Need water stop, Pre-ride, More volunteers the merrier

14.  WLT MOU (Chris P/Paul K). – Any update and/or help required? – Paul: Submitted still waiting to hear back.

15.  Any news from corporate? (Wayne/Chris N) – no news from corporate.

16.  New Business from board?

Chris P: Can board members use the tent for events? -Vote: Yes. Tent to be used anywhere a member wants to take it for the benefit of the organization. – Member to use best judgment and care for it as is it very $$$$.


Alan needs the tent after Woody hill event. Dennis or Glen to brin it to Alan.


We are out of stickers. Do we want more? Dennis to create new stickers and propose to the board.



Thank you Remy’s for use of the shop to hold the meeting.


Adam has nothing to say. We are all deeply concerned.


Meeting adjourned. 8:40.


For reference, 2022 event dates:


•        Woody Hill 8/14 (approved)

•        Big River 9/11 (“approved”)

•        Lincoln Woods 11/13 (“ “approved” “)   



Summary of License Agreement

•        Agreement valid for 2022. Simplified renewal for 2023 and 2024: RINEMBA requests, DEM Assistant Director approves.

•        Up to 6 covered Fun Rides per year.

•        Site                              Season             Rider Limit

Woody Hill                  Spring             200

Arcadia                        Spring             100

Diamond Hill              Summer          150

Big River                    Fall                  200

Snake Den                   Fall                  40

Lincoln Woods            Winter             200

•        Determine exact dates in January and notify DEM. Remaining 2022 dates already given to DEM (except Snake Den).

•        30 days prior to each, provide to DEM Forestry and DEM Law Enforcement: routes, start/end time, number of riders, parking location, and trail cleanup dates/times/locations/tools (wear "volunteer" clothing).

•        30 days prior also coordinate with Land Manager (seems most significant for LW). Land Manager could potentially add so many restrictions that the ride would be impractical ("additional terms and conditions as the Managers may require").

•        Arrows up allowed one week prior; down within 24 hours. Trail repairs completed within 1 week.

•        Use best judgment if inclement weather. We're responsible for our trash; follow all laws; etc.

•        DEM Police presence if >75; $64/hr, min 4 hours. Standard; not special license specific; highlight for them road crossings and number/frequency/time window/ages. Build into finances.

•        Donations, sales, etc allowed (doesn't explicitly say this but is implied by the meaning of license to use).

•        For 2024, could ask to adjust sites/seasons/numbers.



SOP for Money


NEMBA Mission: Our mission is to promote responsible mountain biking and to protect and preserve New England trails and open spaces

ARTICLE XI: Discrimination Prohibited

In administering its affairs, NEMBA shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, creed, color, national and ethnic origin, gender, sexual preference, marital status, age, or physical disability.


Financial Guiding Principles

•        RINEMBA does not have any money: we are merely stewards of our member's money.

•        Spending of Member Dues should more closely follow NEMBA Mission than a Fun Ride donation.

•        President may unilaterally make spending decisions or may choose to solicit opinions.

◦        Treasurer reviews for appropriateness

▪        President must not have direct access to funds

•        Mark currently Alternate Treasurer; a new Alternate must be found. Or future spending decisions made by board

•        Goal is to keep minimal funds on hand, commensurate with known, definite, short-term needs plus a small buffer (<$1000). This is Alan's personal goal, plus, roughly, that of 501(c)(3). If we can not wisely use extra money, offer it to a sister organization with similar mission (or give back to NEMBA).

•        Fun Ride target charity made clear in sign-up.

•        Sister org and Fun Ride target must conform to Article XI.


Charity Selection for Fun Rides, consider:

•        Broadest Public Visibility for NEMBA and Mission

•        Mountain Bike Related

•        Open Space Related

•        Youth

•        Under-served

•        Bike Related

•        Local Charity or Charitable Cause





All Officers and board members are expected to adhere to NEMBA philosophies:

•        NEMBA Mission: Our mission is to promote responsible mountain biking and to protect and preserve New England trails and open spaces

•        ARTICLE XI: Discrimination Prohibited: In administering its affairs, NEMBA shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, creed, color, national and ethnic origin, gender, sexual preference, marital status, age, or physical disability.

•        Further, to convey a positive, respectful, courteous image of mountain biking and mountain bikers.


At-large board member.

•        Must be RINEMBA member for 1 year.

•        Can assume at will with board concurrence.

•        Must attend 6 meetings per year to keep position.

•        Can vote for Officers.

•        Must attend 2 meetings in last half of year to vote.


Ride area representatives.

•        Must be RINEMBA member for 1 year.

•        Chosen by board.

•        Must remain active in ride area to keep position.

•        Must attend 4 meetings per year to keep position.

•        Can vote for Officers.

•        Must attend 2 meetings in last half of year to vote.

•        May also be Officer.



•        Must be RINEMBA member for 2 years.

•        VP assumption assumed; otherwise must be an at-large board member, ride area representative, BOD, or other Officer.

•        Elected by board members (eligible at-large and ride area reps, Officers, BOD).

•        Is expected, but not required, to serve at least 2, and not more than 3, years; board can override.

•        Conduct election of Secretary.



•        Must be RINEMBA member for 2 years.

•        Must be an at-large board member, ride area representative, BOD, or other Officer.

•        Elected by board members.

•        Is expected, but not required, to take President position when President's term ends.


Treasurer and alternate.

•        Must be RINEMBA member.

•        Elected by board members.

•        Must not be President.



•        Must be RINEMBA member.

•        Elected by board members.

•        Determine eligibility of Officer and board members.

•        Conduct election of other Officers and BOD.


NEMBA BOD Representitive

•        Must be RINEMBA member.

•        Elected by board members.

•        Is also considered an at-large board member for voting.

•        May also be Officer.


NEMBA BOD Alternate

•        Must be RINEMBA member.

•        Elected by board members.

•        Is expected, but not required, to take Primary BOD position when Primary's term ends.

•        Is also considered an at-large board member for voting.

•        May also be Officer.



•        Can attend meetings and comment, suggest, complain.

•        Can recommend approval/rejection of Officers and board members; such recommendation shall be considered but is non-binding.

•        Can make recommendation privately to any board member if desired.



•        Candidates for Officer nominated by end of October meeting. Can self-nominate.

•        Debate and Q&A during November meeting.

•        Election during December meeting.

•        President conduct election for Secretary.

•        Secretary (current) conduct election for other Officers.

•        Can be secret ballot, if requested by any Officer or the candidate(s).

•        Special elections as required; 2 month process; vote immediately follows Q&A session. 

•        All other terms except for special election begin on Jan 1.


September 2022


July 2022