July 2022
RINEMBA July Meeting: 7:00 p.m. July 12, at J Grays, Cumberland and Zoom.
1. Administration
a) Member #, account $, etc. – There is $3500 in the bank account. No update from regional on
the membership numbers. ***Funds from the Diamond Hill Fun Ride still need to be donated
to Town Of Cumberland Youth Camp.**
b) Document store – Fun Ride checklist? – Yes the Fun Ride Checklist is in the document store
located on NEMBA share drive. Dennis can help anyone with a NEMBA email find the drive
or share documents with others as needed.
c) General meeting discussion
1. Board votes to go hybrid going forward for all meetings.
2. August (8/2) meeting location? ____________________ - Westerly. Dennis and Paul to
figure it out.
d) Board attendance.
2. Welcome to any newcomers.
3. Comments/requests/concerns/questions/complaints from newcomers?
4. Browning Mill bridges. Lumber mostly cut. Schedule a work date __________. – Date still TBD
5. Ryan Park. Still waiting for DEM to approve plans.
6. Roger Williams Park. Still waiting on President to flag.
7. DEM:
a) NEMBA is now incorporated in RI; refresh each year; need responsible person ___________.
-Cost to renew per year possible $50 Alan has a packet with more info. Dennis, Mark, or
Wayne to handle renewing next year. What is the expirations date?
b) Maintenance MOU request. Cancelled. -superseded by new agreement being worked on with
DEM. Details below in 7-E and 7-L
c) Night riding pilot.
1. No issues with last year
2. Expand to 3x/week, 20 riders, still “pilot” – to start in the fall
3. Need locations and days of week ___________, ____________, ____________ - Thursday
Big River, Monday Woody Hill, Possible floating ride on Tuesday night between Snake
Den, Carolina, Arcadia
d) Trail re-route POC discussion. Will drop.
e) Special license for >75. On State agenda for 7/19. – Getting very close. Should know more by
7/19. Dates for next year will need to be submitted in January. There will be a specific number
of riders allowed per a ride area based on parking and overall ability of the facility to handle
1. Includes permission to clean in advance.
a) Need “identifying clothing” ___________ - Need NEMBA volunteer vests printed.
Dennis to work with J mac to get them printed.
b) Training, first aid?
f) Greasy Joe’s parking. No movement. DEM acknowledges issue. Possible S.P. barracks? – New
Police barracks coming into park n ride? Too soon to tell. Water resource does not know about
it. More to come as the project develops.
g) Provisional acceptance of “Snow Grooming Pilot”. Lower priority than special license.
1. Need to provide maps. BR and Arcadia? ____________, ______________ - Do we want
to do Snake Den instead of Arcadia? Who is going to groom, has a groomer? Chris N
checked with Trek Warwick and they are on board and want to groom.
2. Groomer acquisition discussion-Do we need one? Parts and supplies may be hard to find
since they are made in Russia (according to Chris H). Trek bikes has one already.
h) Complaints from DEM about scarring of rock due to studded tyres. Produced report.
Accepted. – Very unlikely that issue was caused by bikes. Seems to be motorcycles with
studded tires.
i) NST cleanaganza? DEM discussing internally. Need catchy name ____________ - members to
think about a catchy name for this project for next meeting.
j) Woody Hill gate process. – very simple. No issues for Alan to get gate key. Discuss with Alan
as needed for future events needing the gate opened.
k) Burlingame Bridges.
1. Need replacing? -Yes
2. Do we want to do/lead? -Yes similar to what we did in Arcadia this year
3. Park side or MGMT Area side? – Park. “Bridges of Burlingame” on Trail forks. Part of
Vin Gormley.
l) Management Area Land Use Plan (name?). Soon but not imminent. DEM will maintain
internal access roads. Will farm out trails to various user groups in sectors. RINEMBA to take
______________, ____________, ______________, ______________. -Still working out
details but RINEMBA should be ready to claim trails or regions of property as the steward.
Can continue this till next meeting.
1. Training, first aid?
8. Sweet Sawmill Pond and Trout Unlimited partnership. Help deconstruct dam, and plant trees;
2023 or 2024. -RINEMBA votes to help as needed but not coordinate.
9. 1PVD Cycling in Merino Park. (Dennis) – 1PVD building a skills course. Looking for labor on
build days. Still? – This is on hold until after a the racing season. Look for more projects there this
10. RINEMBA tools from John Sumner (Dennis/Linda) trying to coordinate pick up. – Tools have
been acquired. Could use some sharpening/oiling. A bit rusty and worn. Still a great tools.
11. Beginner Clinic
a) Repeat? – This is happening on Thursday nights currently. Will expand to a more formal
program again next spring.
12. Women’s/Coed Advanced Skills clinic Repeat? - Chris N is interested. Hale reservation willing to
host in Westwood MA. Chris willing to do it this fall as a much larger event for all genders.
Option for women only break off groups. . RINEMBA to be coordinator for this year but may
want to expand into a regional program for next year if successful. “Monsterfest Skills Clinic” as a
possible event name?
13. Ride area reps? (Mark S)
a) Introductions to Land Managers?
b) 2023 Earth Day – possible to do one in LW next year?
c) New land trust area in Cumberland.
1. Liaison needed. -Chris N has two new members interested in becoming a ride area rep for
this property. Is it possible to bring them to a meeting so the board can meet them?
2. Westerly land trust references. – Paul to get as needed
d) Emergency access for main riding areas.
1. Alan met with WGFD. DEM mentioned signage in northern RI.
2. Conversation to continue next month. Still.
14. Big River Cleanup
a) Checklist- Alan to formalize. Still
15. Arcadia Fun Ride debrief – Everything seems to go smooth and well. Good feedback. May want
to advertise the type of terrain better. Some found the ride to be less exciting or more difficult than
expected. “Less fire roads, more single track”
16. Woody Hill Fun Ride 8/14 (Alan AWOL)
a) Under Special License if approved
b) Permission from town? – All set
c) What help needed? – Paul and Dennis to go through list and reach out to the group as needed
17. First Aid training.
a) WGFD offered to attend hands-on or to meet with group EMTs.
b) Who has enrolled? – Crickets...
18. WLT MOU (Chris P/Paul K). – Waiting for dust to settle? – Dust has settled. Good time to submit.
Paul to submit.
19. Golden Volunteer (Dennis) -We have the ability to set up official NEMBA rides as long as they
are under 10ppl. This is happening already with the Monday Woody Hill Women’s Mellow ride.
Are there any other takers that want to lead a ride of this nature?
a) Ride Area Reps lead official <10 periodic rides? – No takers
20. Any news from corporate? (Wayne/Chris N)
21. New Business from board?
a) Move Big River Fun Ride? (Dennis) – Current date is Sept 11th
. This is the same date as the
Landmine Classic in Wompatuck, a very popular event. Do we want to move our event to a
different date? **Discussion** There does not seem to be enough overlap geographically or in
ridership to warrant a date change. BR Fun Ride to proceeded on Sept 11th
For reference, remaining 2022 event dates:
• Woody Hill 8/14 -Approved
• Big River 9/11 (pending approval)
• Lincoln Woods 11/13 (pending approval)