February 2025
Rhode Island Chapter
New England Mountain Bike Association
February 2025 Meeting Agenda
Date/Time: February 5, 2024, 7:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
1. Roll Call / Welcome Newcomers
Adam C. ; Shannon L. ; Charles P. ; Dennis W. ; Tabitha W. ; Wayne A.; Paul K.
2. Public Comment
3. Administration
December Meeting Minutes
Motion approved (1st- Charles, 2nd-Wayne)
For efficiency, membership Update & Financial Summaries moved to all Chapter meetings per vote of the team (1st-Wayne, 2nd- Charles)- HOWEVER, if an item is a priority it will be placed on the next available meeting agenda.
Next Leadership Meeting
Tuesday March 4, 2025 on zoom
Next All Chapter Meeting
Sunday April 27 Crafted Hope Brewing. Tabtiha to book.
All Chapter January meeting was a huge success. Over 40 people showed up and the host, Crafted Hope, wants to continue to work with us.
RINEMBA Needs Help!
Ride Leaders night rides, looking to create a form for ride leaders to choose specific days to lead, Still in need of more mellow ride leaders!
Ride Lead Coordinator, new leadership position?
Sales, fulfillment, and inventory of merch
Trail Bosses: Trail days.
Volunteer Coordinator: Events and trail days.
Adam Carroll - put out a marketing push?
4. Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM)
Night rides approved- Dennis went over the details related to routes, schedules, conduct, weather policy and waivers. Contact Dennis if you have questions.
Still Orange Season until March.
2025 Fun Rides
Still waiting on license agreement- legal taking longer than expected.
Submitted to become vendor in order to receive funds for Echo Lake
Request submitted for location for chainsaw classes
5. NEMBA Corporate Updates
RINEMBA to submit annual corporate filing Feb 1; Discussion at the Executive Committee about insurance requirements for rides; As part of the work of the restructuring committee, there will be change to the bylaws, altering the number of people on the board and representatives per state.
Charles to attend next BOD meeting as alternate in Waynes stead
Dennis brought up that Corporate is moving things from Golden Volunteer to eventbrite, and we will be starting with the April 6 XC race.
6. Safe Trails
Crescent Lake CT incident
Conversation about fatal accident at Crescent Lake in CT- Dennis pointed out 3 major concerns that he learned from being at the site of the accident - Rides with features should be called out by the ride leader; No one knew CPR; There needs to be better access in and out for emergencies. This led to a discussion on ride leader best practices, safety.
Charles to draft a ride lead BMP guide, contact Mary McCarthy from Boston for template.
Inspired Corporate NEMBA to donate to the riders family and members of the RINEMBA leadership team put a project together in his honor, seeking funds from a Trail Capacity grant to install evacuation signage at Lincoln Woods and train ride leaders on first aid and CPR.
Trail Capacity Grant (Tabitha): CPR/Signage- $5000 ask, due to hear back in March.
Evacuation signage (Charles) link to draft proposal Charles has established working relationship with fire. DEM wants trail evacuation signage and road work to be packaged together.
7. Events and Rides
March 30th Arcadia Trail Clean up with Rovers and maybe NEYC.
Need to submit permits and identify issues
April 6th Ryan Park XC Race
Need RINEMBA Ambassador to oversee
April 13th Arcadia NEYC Ride Event - Shannon tentatively to lead.
Big River Clean Up: Saturday, April 19 or April 26 Wayne to contact Peter/Allen.
Woody Hill Fun Ride (MBAS): June 29 (fits lacrosse schedules)
Paul to schedule with WLT and WMLT.
Dennis lead. Paul will be available to support.
Keene’s available for food?
Big River Fun Ride: Sunday, September 14
Wayne to lead; park n ride partially closed now, might conflict with Tour De Rhody, Dr. Tom has not set a date for TDR- Shannon believes he may be out- getting married.
Lincoln Woods Fun Ride: November 9
Charles to lead
8. Member Opportunities
Group Rides: night rides, weekend ride in february. Check the calendar.
8. Glocester Land Trust Partnership
Project is on hold for easement negotiations
GLT is working with DEM and Nature Conservancy
9. Echo Lake
15k for phase I planning and design
Site visit, very promising, lake, features, campground.
Earth day cleanup proposal -MP
Tulip trails on board
10. Ride Area Updates
Lincoln - Road Rebuild Project - Charles
Diamond Hill- snowy, frozen
Woody- Possible land acquisition abutting woody hill that could eventually bne used for trails, will take time. Pump track to be constructed at BRadford SChool site, Paul to check about contractors.
Arcadia - Frozen, snowy, trees down
Big River - great fartbiking recently, night group ride of 16+ riders last week.
Burlingame - bridge planks need repair. AMC may already have a budget for that. - Need to follow up with AMC. Any takers for a Trail Boss?
Ryan Park
11. New Business
Open floor for new topics from the board
12. Motion to adjourn.
1st Shannon, 2nd Charles